Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I have only met with my flipped class 3 times since our last PLC meeting due to Labor Day and the even Wednesday. In that time, I have given a Chapter 7 test, made the videos shorter and used the student companion resources that William recommended. It has been a little too soon to measure the impact of these changes.

Comparing overall test grades between previous years and this year; the grades are low but still average higher than in previous years. One student that failed AG2 last year made a 72% on her test this year. As I recall, she never passed a test last semester. She really likes the flipped model and feels that it gives her the one-on-one that she needs to be successful.

As I was in the meeting this afternoon, I kept thinking about how all of the things we discussed apply to  almost any group of people. Applying this learning to the flipped classroom......I told the students at the beginning of the year why we were trying the flipped method. However, it was a new concept to them and I need to remember that the reasons behind flipping probably need to be revisited periodically.   As the year progresses, students will be in different places and saying the same thing at different times may carry a different message or have a different impact. For example, students just had their first test and might now be  more receptive to advice on how to manage their time and effectively use the videos and their schedules.

When I am feeling frustrated with the lack of student progress perhaps that is a sign that we need to revisit the goals or reasons for what we are doing.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy - Thanks for the insight. I read your post last night and again today, and keep going back to your sentence: As the year progresses, students will be in different places and saying the same thing at different times may carry a different message or have a different impact. I also keep thinking about the comment made in the meeting: Even during a single class period, students will grow in their understanding of something within 45 minutes. What they understand about the goals is different at the end of a class than it was at the beginning of the class. This genuine focus on learning of each student is intriguing and exhausting...but I can't wait to learn more! Thanks for taking on this journey!
