We spent the PLC time trying to watch the video at http://www.screencast.com/t/xfK4sHHzv3. This is Graham Johnson's video to the parents of his students explaining what the flippped classroom is. The video kept locking up and we were unable to watch all of it; however, we went to youtube and watched some of his videos on the flipped class.
Some of the interesting points were:
In the blink of an eye, teachers moved from the sage on the stage to the observer of their students' learning.
He has an interesting video titled: "What the flipped classroom is not.."
He reiterates what we have heard others say - that classroom teachers should make their own videos so that it is an extension of the teacher and their teaching.
He also has some technical advice on making flipped classroom videos.
After one of our PLC meetings, I began giving the students "half-sheets" to complete as they watch the videos. These just have a couple of questions and a spot to record a question and something you learned. As I have time, I plan to develop more of a study guide to go with the video to help the students get more out of the videos; much like what one might do to help guide students when they are reading a textbook.
He has some interesting videos on the flipped classroom subject. I watched some after hearing about the discussion you all had. You are an inspiration.